Tamraway™ Healing ~ for Total Wellbeing
For powerful healing sessions to re-vitalize your whole being. Gain clarity and focus, live without stress and mood swings; know what it feels like to live in the moment, joyfully, happily, peacefully, in healthy relationships and untangled from the drama that surrounds you.
Tamraway™ Healing For Total Wellbeing is also for individuals who are suffering from chronic ailments (Cancer, Asthma, Crohn, Arthritis, Diabetes, Heart Disease, Sickle Cell Anemia, etc). People have seen Tamraway™ Healing bring tremendous relief back into their lives along with peace, balance and serenity.

Tamra Fortune™ ~ for Home
Create a loving environment that nurtures you and attract greater success and abundance in all aspects of your life. Energy of the place play a huge role in shaping your energy and thoughts.
Tamra Fortune™ – for Home and for Business is a unique sacred technology that enhances Harmony, Balance, Creativity and Prosperity of your environment. By releasing disrupting energies affecting you and infusing specific desired energies in each area of home and business, you create an optimal living/collaborating environment for your health, relationships, success, and prosperity.

Tamraway™ Healing ~ for Special Needs Children
A powerful well-being healing sessions for families with Special Needs Children (ADD, ADHD, Autism, PTSD, Learning Disability). Know how universal healing energy plays an important role in children’s development and how Tamraway™ Healing can help children overcome their unique challenges to become brilliant and live their true potential. It also helps children to blossom into their true self and live a happy, serene and connected life.

Tamraway™ Healing ~ for Mental Health
A unique healing method for “Mental Wellness”. For individuals who have Mental Health challenges including emotional and psychological challenges (Anxiety, Depression, Panic Attacks, Phobias, PTSD, etc.), Tamraway™ Healing can bring tremendous relief and positive impact in your lives through universal energy.

Tamraway™ Healing ~ for Soul Path
Reconnect with your true being and live your Divine Life Purpose!
Tamraway™ Healing for Soul Path sessions helps you to connect to your deeper core self and surround yourself with the necessary energy to bring out your Divine Life Purpose. It will help you to unlock your soul path to nurture, nourish, live a deeply fulfilling and purposeful life – all while connected to the Divine energy.
Crohn’s Gone! – I am extremely thankful to Rajeev for giving me the opportunity to heal, alleviate and transform myself to the person I am today. I was diagnosed with Crohn’s in 2014. Since medically there is no cure, I have been suffering from it since the time I was diagnosed. I am a working woman, which made things all the more difficult. I tried everything possible, but nothing was effective. My friend suggested Rajeev’s services and I immediately reached out to him. Each session I had with Rajeev was profound and today I am so much happy to tell others that my Crohn’s is gone! Truly a relief! I believe the sessions has greatly improved my stress levels and allowed me to communicate better relationships with my family and colleagues. I am able to relax more and rid myself of stress from my life. These sessions have added more values to my life such as peace, forgiveness, letting go of sadness, and helped me to understand my purpose in life. I also feel more energized, happier and harmonized as well as more patient and accepting things more easily into my life. I am also sleeping better and peacefully now. I truly thank Rajeev for impacting my life.
I have undergone 12 sessions of Tamraway for wellbeing and I would like to share my experience. I had a lot of health problems right from childhood which contributed a lot not only to physical but more than that mental trauma. This resulted in too much of rejection, loneliness, social stigma, etc. in my mind. I had tried a lot of ways to come out of it but succeeded very very little only. A friend of mine Mrs. Bindu introduced me to you, Rajeev sir, and yes sir it was a wonderful 12 sessions. It cast out a majority of my negative accumulations and I feel it is still doing the eviction of the remaining also. My heart is much much lighter and endowed with a beaming happiness inside, which I have not enjoyed all through these long 61-years of my life. I have now taken a decision to live my life not according to others but to embrace what I feel right. Now that the sessions have just competed, I hope much openings in a positive way in the coming days. Rajeev sir I thank you a lot and look forward to you as a guru and a brother to give me positive directions in the rest of my life. Thank you a lot.
I was recommended to Rajeev through a colleague of mine who took sessions from him and got some major transformations in her life, mentally, emotionally and on her health. I was suffering from Breast Cancer and was very depressed in my life, though I have a wonderful family & great job as Chaplin and I was looking for some alternative approach to get relief from my breast cancer as I did not want to go through Chemotherapy. As soon as Rajeev began talking, he explained that he uses a form of healing which comes straight from the Universe/Creator. He scanned me energetically and identified correctly that my heart is broken due to an incident happened when I was in my late teens. After the first healing session given by him, I had tremendous relief and the pain which I have been going through, subsided. I was extremely relaxed and felt very comfortable with the process. After a series of sessions, I got my test done and to my surprise there was no trace of cancer. I felt great; the skin on my breast healed quickly and completely within days. I am very very thankful to Rajeev. It is more than eight months and I am now cancer free. I strongly recommend to you Rajeev’s services.
Thanks a lot for the amazing sessions. I feel completely relaxed with no tensions or stress and a lot of positivity coming from inside. Since the session I have been feeling very calm, composed in my thoughts and actions, at peace with my body and soul and be in moment of ecstasy. I am also grateful for all the explanations you have given me, which helps me understand the importance of a stress free life and all the negative energies around our world and the need to remove them from the body.
Free from Sickle Cell ! – Rajeev, I am writing that I have more news with my health issues. The lab test – after 5 doses of iron sucrose it is became positive and high iron, but still in flag because I’m pregnant and this is normal! I’m happy to hear that, anyway.
Hematologist Dr made a Chromosome Breakage lab test – this result came back last week – negative – this means I don’t have Fanconi Anemia. So the question is still on Dr’s mind why I’m anemic from my birth??? I did not tell anything what the Creator did tell me. After doing healing work with you and the work done regarding gene, I am now FREE from Sickle Cell problem. Thanks for everything!!
My Love and Gratitude to the Creator, to Rajeev and his family. I feel more at ease, peaceful, calm and totally transformed and relaxed in my life than “EVER BEFORE”. During the healing session, I had out of body experiences twice. Wow it was awesome. I also experienced Creator’s Unconditional Love, a world of total Peace, Calmness, and saw the golden and pure light which I was taken to. Today, even after 14 days, I am so much relaxed, calm, peaceful, and my connection with myself and divine is stronger than ever before. Now, I enjoy everything I do and love what I do in total peace and relaxation. I never knew this was possible before. Thank you so much Rajeev!
Ever since I had sessions with Rajeev, I have been living a transformed life. Today is one of the many consecutive Saturdays that I woke up feeling happy and grateful for a great week I had. The healing sessions, not only boosted my self-confidence but also brought me closer to my divine self. People who used to think low of me, have started singing praises of me everywhere – something I never thought possible in this lifetime. I learned how simple it can be to invite abundance in everything. I am filled with tears of gratitude towards Rajeev as I am steadily making progress in every sphere of my life. I am forever grateful to the Creator for bringing you in my life.
Thanks heaps to Rajeev Ahluwalia for giving me this new life free from resentment and grief. After my husband’s demise, life to me was just to look for answers to so many questions from the creator as to why this happened to me and why I am left alone at this stage of my life. But after taking sessions from Rajeev, I feel so much at peace and also feel much more connected to God.
Gratitude! – Rajeev has a very simple and humble personality, who connects to everyone easily. I was going through a lot in my life. I had a very stressful job, was unhappy in marriage and had trauma in my personal life but he was very gentle in handling the issues and helping me to smile again in my life. An amazing person, who is very compassionate and understanding. Thank you so much.
I was in the hospital for almost 2 months in Delhi, India, suffering from mysterious symptoms, which my doctors could not identify. All my test results showed that everything was normal but I was very weak and my condition deteriorated one day. That’s when my father called Rajeev on the phone for help. He gave me healing session on the phone for 45-50 minutes for two days and I immediately noticed a big shift in my energy field. I was discharged from the hospital within 4 days after my healing sessions and I completely recovered from my condition. Rajeev is an amazing person with a great gift from God. Thank you.
Anxiety & Depression gone – Thank you so much sir for your wonderful healing work! I am so happy that my depression and anxiety which I have been suffering for 2 years since my divorce, are gone and I am now able to live my life to the fullest.
Bed-Wetting stopped – My daughter, who is 5 years old has stopped bed-wetting completely now. I remember how this used to affect her so badly at school and how she used to be so shy and anxious because of this. She is so happy and confident these days playing along with her classmates. I am also very happy now. Thank you so so much for all your help and healing sir!
Tamraway™ Healing is intended as supplement to traditional medical care, not a substitute for it. As such, the statements in this website are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or illness.