
Tamra Fortune™ ~ a unique sacred technology to enhance Harmony, Balance, Creativity, and Prosperity of your environment


Hello, after the Fortune Home session you did, I wanted to let you know that this week I’m experiencing a wonderful shift where each day someone is seeking to connect with me and have asked for my services and offered to pay the price I quoted. I’m moving forward. Several people who haven’t talked with me for months contacted me as well. I’m happy to see my business is moving forward with new clients approaching me. On a personal front, I have never felt better. I have more energy, much more at peace, and creative ideas are just flowing to me. Thank you!  – Nina, USA

Rajeev, after the Tamra Fortune Home session you did, I wanted to let you know my house has been so calm, peaceful, and in harmony. I feel the positive and energized flow of energy every day. Whenever I am at home or come back home from work, I feel so relaxed and rejuvenated and able to complete my work with so much ease. The stagnant energy I used to feel before and used to drain me is no longer there – and I can literally feel the energy has changed. I have particularly noticed that my productivity has increased so much that I am able to finish my work easily, effortlessly and in a shorter span of time. My concentration and focus have also improved when working from home after your Fortune Home session. I feel so much at peace now and look forward to coming back to my newly energized home every day. Thank you so much for this session, Rajeev! – Becky, USA

After your work, these are the changes I noticed sir:

  1. Total heaviness in the atmosphere inside the house reduced to a great extent
  2. Difference of opinions finds common solution easily
  3. Dad’s stress and strain reduced considerably
  4. My husband and my dad behave with each other nicely, which was missing previously
  5. My husband’s attitude has changed to positivity
  6. My husband has no hesitation to come and stay in this house for more than one day
  7. Between us also, dislikes reduced considerably
  8. Overall everyone at home are now in a happy mood all the time

One more thing I noted is negative people dislikes to enter inside my home now. If they come, they only stay little time here. My dad sleeps well too, without much dream disturbances – Geetha, India

Since the work done on my home, I have noticed that the overall environment is getting more peaceful every day. Understanding between me and my husband’s behavior towards me has changed a lot too. I am feeling much more love for my daughter and husband and vice-versa. Now I can see things which are happening are not affecting us like before and my husband is not reacting to negative things now. Even if he starts saying anything bad to me, he immediately stops and same goes for me. Also, a big change is that my daughter has calmed down significantly now as earlier she used to be sacred and cry all the time for no reason. One more thing I am feeling more urge to eat vegetables and fruits now. So, eating vegetables and fruits as 70% of my daily diet now – Nicki, Australia

Dear Sir, Glad to inform you that it was a very pleasant and surprising experience when I stepped into my apartment on March 5, 2019 evening after our session a day before. A lot of peace of mind and slept well. There was some thickness inside the rooms earlier (before the work you did) creating discomfort, sorrow and now it has all vanished. Thank you very much sir with lots of love and gratitude. Golden Sunrise – Ravi, India

Hello sir, I am happy to update the following after Tamra Fortune Home session and my Tamraway Healing sessions with you. I am so much happier inside than when I started the session. My frustration that I used to feel for everything is completely gone. My relationship with people at work has become very good. My relationship with my own self is very good. I don’t see any blocks in myself now. My relationship with my husband is good and constantly improving and also with my son… my son is surprising me every day. I feel my magical journey has begun after Tamra Fortune Home session. My house is so much more peaceful and full of positive energy now. I have also started my daily meditation practice and movie forward. Thank you so much sir for all your help – Veena, India

Dear Rajeev, after the Tamra Fortune Home session and Tamraway healing which Rajeev had done, and many other healings sessions, I had taken this is the Best, there is a lot of changes in me, my family, my home surroundings and inside my home. Certain things has to be experienced… Still in a few lines ,there is a lot of peacefulness and calmness in the house, especially the communication with my husband is so peaceful, humble and calm, he speaks so peacefully and humbly, even if I am a little irritated, the communication is so humble from his side, this is total change, so much of love flowing, as for me in a few moments I come out of any situation, and there is a sudden peace and total calmness, it’s felt too, and the energy I feel in and outside of me is totally different from what I have had experienced before. The whole house is protected inside out and all of us too. There is the Divine presence I experience in my home, some body shielding us, also in me, I more often experience the unconditional love of the Divine. My sleep is so peaceful and calm and soothing, words are too less to express. Much love and gratitude to Rajeev and your family and wishing you all the Best in life! – Sreedevi, India 


Tamraway™ Healing and Tamra Fortune™ for Home and Business is intended as supplement to traditional medical care, not a substitute for it.  As such, the statements in this website are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or illness.
